<% var assetsPrefix = commonApp.assetsPrefix(); %> <% if(typeof projectPurpose == "undefined" ) { projectPurpose = ""; } %>
<%= typeof projectNumber != "undefined"? projectNumber:"" %>

<% if(typeof parRequestRequestType != 'undefined' && (parRequestRequestType == 'PAR_WITHDRAWN_BY_SPONSOR' || parRequestRequestType == 'PAR_EXTENSION_REQUEST')){ %> <% } else{ %> <% } %> Download <%= parStatus == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.status.submitted") || parStatus == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.status.draft") || requestStatus == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.status.draft") || requestStatus == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.status.submitted")? "Draft " : ""%>PAR

<%if(typeof parRequestRequestType != 'undefined' && parRequestRequestType == 'PAR_WITHDRAWN_BY_SPONSOR'){%>

PAR Withdrawal Request Date: <%= typeof parReqSubmitterData != "undefined" && typeof parReqSubmitterData.createdDate != "undefined" ? appUtil.convertSystemDateTimeToDateString(parReqSubmitterData.createdDate): ""%>

PAR Withdrawal Reason: <%= commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCodeObject("PAR_WITHDRAWAL_REASON", parWithdrawnData.withdrawalReason).refCodeName%>

PAR Withdrawal Additional Information: <%= parWithdrawnData.withdrawalReasonExpl%>

<%}%> <%if(typeof parRequestRequestType != 'undefined' && parRequestRequestType == 'PAR_EXTENSION_REQUEST'){%>

<%= displayMsg%>

PAR Extension Request Date: <%= appUtil.convertSystemDateTimeToDateString(parExtensionData.submissionDate)%>

PAR Extension Approval Date: <%= appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(parExtensionData.extensionApprovalDate)%>

Number of Previous Extensions Requested: <%=typeof(extRequestCount)!= 'undefined' ? extRequestCount : ''%>

1. Number of years that the extension is being requested: <%= typeof parExtensionData.extYearsRequested != "undefined"? parExtensionData.extYearsRequested:"" %>

2. Why an Extension is Required (include actions to complete): <%= typeof parExtensionData.extReason != "undefined"? parExtensionData.extReason:"" %>

3.1. What date did you begin writing the first draft: <%=appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(parExtensionData.firstDraftDate)%>

3.2. How many people are actively working on the project: <%= typeof parExtensionData.activeTeamCount != "undefined"? parExtensionData.activeTeamCount:"" %>

3.3. How many times a year does the working group meet?

In person: <%= typeof parExtensionData.wgMeetInPersonFrq != "undefined"? parExtensionData.wgMeetInPersonFrq:"" %>

Via teleconference: <%= typeof parExtensionData.wgMeetInTeleconFrq != "undefined"? parExtensionData.wgMeetInTeleconFrq:"" %>

3.4. How many times a year is a draft circulated to the working group: <%= typeof parExtensionData.draftShareElectronicFrq != "undefined"? parExtensionData.draftShareElectronicFrq:"" %>

3.5. What percentage of the Draft is stable: <%= parExtensionData.draftStablePercentage != ""? parExtensionData.draftStablePercentage:0 %>%

3.6. How many significant work revisions has the Draft been through: <%= typeof parExtensionData.draftWorkRevisionsCnt != "undefined"? parExtensionData.draftWorkRevisionsCnt:"" %>

4. When will/did initial Standards Association Ballot begin: <%=appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(parExtensionData.sponsorBallotInitiatedDate, null, 'MMM YYYY')%>

When do you expect to submit the proposed standard to RevCom: <%=appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(parExtensionData.estProposedStdRevcomDate, null, 'MMM YYYY')%>

Has this document already been adopted by another source? (if so please identify): <%= typeof parExtensionData.docAlreadyAdoptedInd != "undefined"? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",parExtensionData.docAlreadyAdoptedInd): ""%> <%= commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",parExtensionData.docAlreadyAdoptedInd) == 'Yes' ?parExtensionData.docAlreadyAdoptedTx: "" %>

For an extension request, the information on the original PAR below is not open to modification.

<% if( (typeof sponsorChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" && sponsorChairInfo.groupUser.internalId == commonApp.user.get("internalId") || (typeof groupInfo!="undefined" && commonApp.user.hasPermission(groupInfo[0].internalId,'PAR.SPONSOR.APPROVE')) ) && (requestStatus == $.i18n.prop('myproject.par.status.submitted') || (typeof parReqSubmitterData != "undefined" && parReqSubmitterData.requestStatus == $.i18n.prop('myproject.par.status.submitted'))) && (typeof reqSponsorApprovalStatus == 'undefined' || reqSponsorApprovalStatus == null || reqSponsorApprovalStatus == $.i18n.prop('myproject.status.rejected')) ) { %>

<% if(typeof parWorkingGroup != "undefined" && typeof parWorkingGroup.groupStatusTx != "undefined" && parWorkingGroup.groupStatusTx =="PENDING"){%> New Working Group Requested   <% } else { %>   <% } %>

<% } %>

<%= $.i18n.prop("submission.details.typeofProject") %> <% if(typeof rootProject != "undefined" && rootProject != null ) { var basePrjNum = typeof rootProject.baseProjectNumber != "undefined" ? rootProject.baseProjectNumber : ""; var stdYr = typeof rootProject.stdYear != "undefined" ? rootProject.stdYear: ""; } if(typeof adoptionPar != "undefined" && adoptionPar){ parType = $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.adoption"); } %> <%= ParServices.getTypeOfProjectDescription(parType, basePrjNum, stdYr) %>

<%= $.i18n.prop("submission.details.requesttype")%> <%= ParServices.getProjectReqTypeStrToDisplay(requestType, commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("PAR_TYPE", parType), adoptionPar) %>

PAR Request Date: <%= typeof parSubmittedDate != "undefined" ? appUtil.convertSystemDateTimeToDateString(parSubmittedDate) : ""%>

PAR Approval Date: <%= typeof parApprovalDate != "undefined" ? appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(parApprovalDate) : ""%>

PAR Expiration Date: <%= typeof parExpirationDate != "undefined" ? appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(parExpirationDate) : ""%>

PAR Status: <%= typeof parStatus != "undefined" ? ParServices.getParStatus(parStatus) : ""%>

<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")){%>

Root PAR: <%= typeof projectNumber != "undefined"? projectNumber:"" %>

<% if(typeof rootPar != 'undefined' && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.parApprovalDate != "undefined"){%> Root PAR Approved on: <%= appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(rootPar.parApprovalDate)%><%}%>

<%}%> <%if(parType != $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.newpar")){%>

Root Project: <% if(typeof rootProject != "undefined" && rootProject != null ){%> <%= rootProject.baseProjectNumber%><%= typeof rootProject.stdYear != "undefined" ? "-"+rootProject.stdYear: ""%> <%}%>


Standards Committee/Working Group

Standards Committee: <% if(typeof sponsorInfo != "undefined" && sponsorInfo[0]) { %> <%= sponsorInfo[0].societyName %>/<%= sponsorInfo[0].groupName %> (<%= sponsorInfo[0].groupHierarchy %>) <% } %>

Standards Committee Chair: <% if(typeof sponsorChairInfo != "undefined"){ if(typeof sponsorChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" && sponsorChairInfo.groupUser != "null"){ %> <%= sponsorChairInfo.groupUser.fullName%> <%= sponsorChairInfo.groupUser.fullName %> E-mail: <%= sponsorChairInfo.groupUser.email %> <%}}else{%> <%=$.i18n.prop('myproject.text.none')%> <%}%>

Standards Committee Vice Chair: <% if(typeof sponsorViceChairInfo != "undefined"){ if(typeof sponsorViceChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" && sponsorViceChairInfo.groupUser != "null"){%> <%= sponsorViceChairInfo.groupUser.fullName%> <%= sponsorViceChairInfo.groupUser.fullName %> E-mail: <%= sponsorViceChairInfo.groupUser.email %> <%}}else{%> <%=$.i18n.prop('myproject.text.none')%> <%}%>

Working Group Name: <%= typeof groupInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupInfo[0].groupName != "undefined" ? groupInfo[0].groupName : ""%>

Working Group Type: <%= typeof groupInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupInfo[0].sponsoredInd != "undefined" && groupInfo[0].sponsoredInd == "Y" ? "Entity" : "Individual" %>

Working Group Chair: <% if(typeof groupChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" && groupChairInfo.groupUser != "null"){%> <%= groupChairInfo.groupUser.fullName%> <%= groupChairInfo.groupUser.fullName%> E-mail: <%= groupChairInfo.groupUser.email%> <%}else{%> <%=$.i18n.prop('myproject.text.none')%> <%}%>

Working Group Vice Chair: <% if(typeof groupViceChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupViceChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" && groupViceChairInfo.groupUser != "null"){%> <%= groupViceChairInfo.groupUser.fullName%> <%= groupViceChairInfo.groupUser.fullName%> E-mail: <%= groupViceChairInfo.groupUser.email%> <%}else{%> <%=$.i18n.prop('myproject.text.none')%> <%}%>

1.1 Project Number: <%= typeof projectNumber != "undefined"? projectNumber:"" %>

1.2 Type of Document: <%= typeof documentType != "undefined"? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("DOCUMENT_TYPE",documentType):"" %>
<% if(parType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision") && requestType !== $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof rootProject != "undefined" && rootProject != null && typeof rootProject.documentType != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootProject.documentType, documentType)) { %> Change to Type of Document:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("DOCUMENT_TYPE",rootProject.documentType), commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("DOCUMENT_TYPE",documentType)) %>

<% }} %> <% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.documentType != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.documentType, documentType)) { %> Change to Type of Document:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("DOCUMENT_TYPE",rootPar.documentType), commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("DOCUMENT_TYPE",documentType)) %>

<% }} %>
1.3 Life Cycle: <%= typeof lifeCycle != "undefined"? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(lifeCycle):"" %>
<% if(parType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision") || requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.lifeCycle != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.lifeCycle, lifeCycle)) { %> Change to Type of Life Cycle:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.lifeCycle, lifeCycle) %>

<% }} %>
2.1 Project Title:

<%= typeof projectTitle != "undefined"? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(projectTitle):"" %>

<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")){ if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.projectTitle != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.projectTitle, projectTitle)){%> Change to Title:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.projectTitle, projectTitle) %>

<%}%> <%} else { if (parType == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision")){ if(typeof rootProject != "undefined" && rootProject != null && typeof rootProject.projectTitle != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootProject.projectTitle, projectTitle)){%> Change to Title:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootProject.projectTitle, projectTitle) %>

<%}%> <%}}%>
3.1 Working Group: <%= typeof parWorkingGroup != "undefined" && typeof parWorkingGroup.groupStatusTx != "undefined" && parWorkingGroup.groupStatusTx =="PENDING"? "(Requested) " : "" %> <%= typeof groupInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupInfo[0].groupName != "undefined"? groupInfo[0].groupName :"" %> <%= typeof parWorkingGroup != "undefined" && typeof parWorkingGroup.groupAccronym != "undefined"? "("+ parWorkingGroup.groupAccronym +")" : "" %>
<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof groupInfo != "undefined" && groupInfo[0] && typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.parWorkingGroup != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.parWorkingGroup.internalId, groupInfo[0].internalId)) { %> Change to Working Group:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.parWorkingGroup.groupName, groupInfo[0].groupName) %>

<% }} %>

Contact Information for Working Group Chair:

<%if(typeof groupChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined"){%>

Name: <%= typeof groupChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ? groupChairInfo.groupUser.fullName: ""%>

Email Address: <%= typeof groupChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ? groupChairInfo.groupUser.email: ""%>

<%}else{%> <%=$.i18n.prop('myproject.text.none')%> <%}%>

Contact Information for Working Group Vice Chair:

<%if(typeof groupViceChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupViceChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined"){%>

Name: <%= typeof groupViceChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupViceChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ? groupViceChairInfo.groupUser.fullName: ""%>

Email Address: <%= typeof groupViceChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupViceChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ? groupViceChairInfo.groupUser.email: ""%>

<%}else{%> <%=$.i18n.prop('myproject.text.none')%> <%}%>
3.2 Society and Committee: <%= typeof sponsorInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorInfo[0].societyName != "undefined" ? sponsorInfo[0].societyName: ""%>/ <%= typeof sponsorInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorInfo[0].groupName != "undefined" ? sponsorInfo[0].groupName: ""%> <%= typeof sponsorInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorInfo[0].groupHierarchy != "undefined" ? "("+sponsorInfo[0].groupHierarchy +")": ""%> <% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof sponsorInfo != "undefined" && sponsorInfo[0] && typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.parSponsorGroup != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.parSponsorGroup.internalId, sponsorInfo[0].internalId)) { %> Change to Society and Committee:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs( rootPar.parSocietyGroup.groupName +"/"+rootPar.parSponsorGroup.groupName+"("+rootPar.parSponsorGroup.groupHierarchy+")", sponsorInfo[0].societyName+"/"+sponsorInfo[0].groupName+"("+sponsorInfo[0].groupHierarchy +")") %>

<% }} %>

Contact Information for Standards Committee Chair:

<%if(typeof sponsorChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined"){%>

Name: <%= typeof sponsorChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ? sponsorChairInfo.groupUser.fullName: ""%>

Email Address: <%= typeof sponsorChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ? sponsorChairInfo.groupUser.email: ""%>

<%}else{%> <%=$.i18n.prop('myproject.text.none')%> <%}%>

Contact Information for Standards Committee Vice Chair:

<%if(typeof sponsorViceChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorViceChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ){%>

Name: <%= typeof sponsorViceChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorViceChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ? sponsorViceChairInfo.groupUser.fullName: ""%>

Email Address: <%= typeof sponsorViceChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorViceChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ? sponsorViceChairInfo.groupUser.email: ""%>

<%}else{%> <%=$.i18n.prop('myproject.text.none')%> <%}%>

Contact Information for Standards Representative:

<%if(typeof stdRepresentativeInfo != "undefined" && typeof stdRepresentativeInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ){%>

Name: <%= typeof stdRepresentativeInfo != "undefined" && typeof stdRepresentativeInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ? stdRepresentativeInfo.groupUser.fullName: ""%>

Email Address: <%= typeof stdRepresentativeInfo != "undefined" && typeof stdRepresentativeInfo.groupUser != "undefined" ? stdRepresentativeInfo.groupUser.email: ""%>

<%}else{%> <%=$.i18n.prop('myproject.text.none')%> <%}%>
<% if(typeof coSponsers != "undefined" && coSponsers != null && coSponsers.length != 0 ) { %>

3.3 Co-Stds Committee(s):

<% var i = 1; _.each(coSponsers, function(group){ %>
3.3.<%= i%>

<%= typeof group != "undefined" && typeof group.societyName != "undefined" ? group.societyName: ""%>/ <%= typeof group != "undefined" && typeof group.groupName != "undefined" ? group.groupName: ""%> (<%= typeof group != "undefined" && typeof group.groupHierarchy != "undefined" ? group.groupHierarchy: ""%>)

<%if(typeof group != "undefined" && typeof group.roleCode != "undefined" && group.roleCode =="STANDARDS_REPRESENTATIVE") {%>

Contact Information for Standards Representative:

<%if(typeof group != "undefined" && typeof group.groupUser != "undefined" ){%>

Name: <%= typeof group != "undefined" && typeof group.groupUser != "undefined" ? group.groupUser.fullName: ""%>

Email Address: <%= typeof group != "undefined" && typeof group.groupUser != "undefined" ? group.groupUser.email: ""%>

<%}else{%> <%=$.i18n.prop('myproject.text.none')%> <%}%> <%}else if (typeof group != "undefined" && typeof group.roleCode != "undefined" && group.roleCode =="CHAIR"){%>

Contact Information for Standards Committee Chair:

<%if(typeof group != "undefined" && typeof group.groupUser != "undefined"){%>

Name: <%= typeof sponsorChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof group.groupUser != "undefined" ? group.groupUser.fullName: ""%>

Email Address: <%= typeof group != "undefined" && typeof group.groupUser != "undefined" ? group.groupUser.email: ""%>

<%}else{%> <%=$.i18n.prop('myproject.text.none')%> <%}%> <%}%>
<% i++; });%>
<% if(typeof showChangesInCoSponsors != 'undefined' && showChangesInCoSponsors()) { %>

Change to Co-Stds Committee(s):

<% var coSponsorChanges = computeCoSponsorChanges(); _.each(coSponsorChanges, function(coSponsor){ %>

<% var cosponsorSocietyName = coSponsor.parentSocietyName != "undefined" ? coSponsor.parentSocietyName : ""; cosponsorSocietyName += "/"; cosponsorSocietyName += coSponsor.groupName != "undefined" ? coSponsor.groupName: ""; cosponsorSocietyName += "("; cosponsorSocietyName += coSponsor.groupShortName != "undefined" ? coSponsor.groupShortName: ""; cosponsorSocietyName += ")"; if ( coSponsor.change === 'NOCHANGE' ) { %> <%= cosponsorSocietyName %> <% } else if( coSponsor.change === 'ADD' ){ %> <%= appUtil.compareParagraphs("" , cosponsorSocietyName) %> <% } else if(coSponsor.change === 'DELETE' ) { %> <%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(cosponsorSocietyName , "") %> <%}%>

<% }); %>
<% } %>

4.1 Type of Ballot: <% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")){ if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && rootPar.sponsorBallotInd != sponsorBallotInd){%> <%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCodeObject("PAR_BALLOT_INFO", rootPar.sponsorBallotInd).refCodeName, commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCodeObject("PAR_BALLOT_INFO", sponsorBallotInd).refCodeName) %> <%}else{%> <%= typeof sponsorBallotInd != "undefined"? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCodeObject("PAR_BALLOT_INFO",sponsorBallotInd).refCodeName :"" %> <%}}else{%> <%= typeof sponsorBallotInd != "undefined"? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCodeObject("PAR_BALLOT_INFO",sponsorBallotInd).refCodeName :"" %> <%}%>

4.2 Expected Date of submission of draft to the IEEE SA for Initial Standards Association Ballot: <%= typeof estInitialBallotDate != "undefined"? appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(estInitialBallotDate, null, "MMM YYYY") :"" %>
<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != 'undefined' && typeof estInitialBallotDate != 'undefined' && typeof rootPar.estInitialBallotDate != 'undefined' && appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(rootPar.estInitialBallotDate, null, "MMM YYYY") !== appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(estInitialBallotDate, null, "MMM YYYY")){%> Change to Expected Date of submission of draft to the IEEE SA for Initial Standards Association Ballot:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(rootPar.estInitialBallotDate, null, "MMM YYYY"), appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(estInitialBallotDate, null, "MMM YYYY")) %>

4.3 Projected Completion Date for Submittal to RevCom: <%= typeof estCompletionDate != "undefined"? appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(estCompletionDate, null, "MMM YYYY") :"" %>
<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != 'undefined' && typeof rootPar.estCompletionDate != "undefined" && typeof estCompletionDate != "undefined" && appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(rootPar.estCompletionDate, null, "MMM YYYY") !== appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(estCompletionDate, null, "MMM YYYY")){ %> Change to Projected Completion Date for Submittal to RevCom:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(rootPar.estCompletionDate, null, "MMM YYYY"), appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(estCompletionDate, null, "MMM YYYY")) %>

5.1 <% var estTeamSizeLabel = 'Approximate number of people expected to be actively involved in the development of this project'; if(typeof groupInfo != "undefined" && typeof groupInfo[0].sponsoredInd != "undefined" && groupInfo[0].sponsoredInd == "Y"){ estTeamSizeLabel = 'Approximate number of entities expected to be actively involved in the development of this project'; } %> <%=estTeamSizeLabel %> : <%= typeof estTeamSize != "undefined" ? estTeamSize: ""%>
<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != 'undefined' && rootPar.estTeamSize !== estTeamSize){%> Change to <%=estTeamSizeLabel%>:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.estTeamSize+"", estTeamSize+"") %>

<% if(adoptionPar != 'undefined' && adoptionPar){ %>

5.2 The scope of this project is the adoption of: <%= typeof parAdoptionOrg != "undefined" && typeof parAdoptionOrg[0].organizationName != "undefined" ? parAdoptionOrg[0].organizationName: ""%> - <%= typeof adoptionDocumentTitle != "undefined" ? adoptionDocumentTitle: ""%> as an IEEE <%= typeof documentType != "undefined"? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("DOCUMENT_TYPE",documentType):"" %>
<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != 'undefined'){ var oldScopeOfAdoption = (typeof parAdoptionOrg[0].organizationName != "undefined" ? parAdoptionOrg[0].organizationName : "") + " - " + (typeof adoptionDocumentTitle != "undefined" ? adoptionDocumentTitle : "") + " as an IEEE " + (typeof documentType != "undefined"? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("DOCUMENT_TYPE", documentType) : ""); var newScopeOfAdoption = (typeof rootPar.parAdoptionOrg[0].organizationName != "undefined" ? rootPar.parAdoptionOrg[0].organizationName : "") + " - " + (typeof rootPar.adoptionDocumentTitle != "undefined" ? rootPar.adoptionDocumentTitle : "") + " as an IEEE " + (typeof rootPar.documentType != "undefined"? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("DOCUMENT_TYPE", rootPar.documentType) : ""); if(appUtil.changeIdentified(oldScopeOfAdoption, newScopeOfAdoption)){%> Change to scope of this project is the adoption of: <%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(newScopeOfAdoption, oldScopeOfAdoption) %> <% } } %>

<% } %> <% if(parType != $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.corrigendum") && parType != $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.amendment")){%>
<%= adoptionPar != 'undefined' && adoptionPar ? 5.3 : 5.2 %> <% if(adoptionPar != 'undefined' && adoptionPar){ %> Scope of the document being adopted: <% } else {%> Scope of proposed standard: <% } %>

<%= typeof projectScope != "undefined" ? projectScope: ""%>

<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")){ %> <% if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.projectScope != "undefined" && typeof projectScope != "undefined"){ %> <% if(appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.projectScope, projectScope)){ %> <% if(adoptionPar != 'undefined' && adoptionPar){ %> Change to scope of the document being adopted: <% } else {%> Change to scope of proposed standard: <% } %>

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.projectScope, projectScope) %>

<% } %> <% } %> <% } else { if(parType == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision")) { if(typeof rootProject != "undefined" && rootProject != null && typeof rootProject.projectScope != "undefined" && typeof projectScope != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootProject.projectScope, projectScope)) { %> Change to scope of proposed standard:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootProject.projectScope, projectScope) %>

<%}%> <% if(parType == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.corrigendum") || parType == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.amendment")){%>
5.2.a Scope of the complete standard:

<%= typeof scopeOfChanges != "undefined" ? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(scopeOfChanges): ""%>

<% //for modify par - compare with root project if par is active, compare with rootPar if par is in submitted status if(typeof rootProject != "undefined" && requestType !== $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") ) {%> <%if(typeof scopeOfChanges != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootProject.projectScope, scopeOfChanges)){%> Change to scope of the complete standard:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootProject.projectScope, scopeOfChanges) %>

<%}%> <%}%> <% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != "undefined"){ %> <%if(typeof scopeOfChanges != "undefined" && typeof rootPar.scopeOfChanges != "undefined" && typeof scopeOfChanges != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.scopeOfChanges, scopeOfChanges)){%> Change to scope of the complete standard:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.scopeOfChanges, scopeOfChanges) %>

<%}%> <% } %>
5.2.b <% if(parType == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.corrigendum")){%> Scope of proposed changes: <%}else{%> Scope of the project: <%}%>

<%= typeof projectScope != "undefined" ? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(projectScope): ""%>

<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")){%> <% if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && typeof rootPar.projectScope != "undefined" && typeof projectScope != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.projectScope, projectScope)){%> Change to scope of the project:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.projectScope, projectScope) %>

<%}%> <%}%>
<%= adoptionPar != 'undefined' && adoptionPar ? 5.4 : 5.3 %> Is the completion of this standard dependent upon the completion of another standard?

<%= typeof projectContingentInd != "undefined" ? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",projectContingentInd): ""%>

<% if(parType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision") || requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.projectContingentInd != "undefined" && rootPar.projectContingentInd != projectContingentInd) { %> Change to Is the completion of this standard dependent upon the completion of another standard?

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE", rootPar.projectContingentInd), commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE", projectContingentInd)) %>

<% }} %>
<% if(typeof projectContingentInd != "undefined" && projectContingentInd == "YES"){%>
<%= adoptionPar != 'undefined' && adoptionPar ? '5.4.1' : '5.3.1' %> Explanation:

<%= typeof projectContingentStandards != "undefined" ? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(projectContingentStandards): ""%>

<% if(parType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision") || requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.projectContingentStandards, projectContingentStandards) ) { %> Change to Explanation:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.projectContingentStandards, projectContingentStandards) %>

<% }} %>
<%= adoptionPar != 'undefined' && adoptionPar ? 5.5 : 5.4 %> Purpose:

<% if(typeof projectPurposeClauseInd != 'undefined' && projectPurposeClauseInd == commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCodeObject("SELECT_VALUE","YES").refCode){%> <%= typeof projectPurpose != "undefined"? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(projectPurpose):"" %>
<% } else { %> <%= $.i18n.prop("section.five.four.nopurpose") %>
<% } %>

<% if(typeof projectPurposeClauseInd != 'undefined'){%> <% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")){%> <% if(typeof rootPar != 'undefined' && typeof rootPar.projectPurpose != 'undefined' && typeof projectPurpose != 'undefined') {%> <%if(appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.projectPurpose, projectPurpose)){%> Change to Purpose:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.projectPurpose, projectPurpose)%>

<% }%> <% }%> <% } else if(parType == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision") || parType == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.corrigendum") || parType == $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.amendment")){%> <% if(typeof rootProject != "undefined" && rootProject != null && typeof projectPurpose != "undefined" && typeof rootProject.projectPurpose != "undefined") { %> <% if(appUtil.changeIdentified(rootProject.projectPurpose, projectPurpose)){ %> Change to Purpose:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootProject.projectPurpose, projectPurpose)%>

<% } %> <% } %> <% } %> <% } %>
<%= adoptionPar != 'undefined' && adoptionPar ? 5.6 : 5.5 %> Need for the Project:

<%= typeof projectNeed != "undefined"? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(projectNeed):"" %>

<% if(parType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision") || requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.projectNeed != "undefined" && typeof projectNeed != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.projectNeed, projectNeed)) { %> Change to Need for the Project:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.projectNeed, projectNeed) %>

<% }} %>
<%= adoptionPar != 'undefined' && adoptionPar ? 5.7 : 5.6 %> Stakeholders for the Standard:

<%= typeof projectStakeholders != "undefined" ? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(projectStakeholders): ""%>

<% if(parType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision") || requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.projectStakeholders != "undefined" && typeof projectStakeholders != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.projectStakeholders, projectStakeholders)) { %>
Change to Stakeholders for the Standard:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.projectStakeholders, projectStakeholders) %>

<% }} %>

6.1 Intellectual Property

<% if(adoptionPar != 'undefined' && adoptionPar){%>

Has the IEEE SA staff obtained the necessary permissions for the adoption of this document? <%= typeof adoptionStaffPermissionInd != "undefined" ? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",adoptionStaffPermissionInd): ""%>

<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != 'undefined' && rootPar.adoptionStaffPermissionInd !== adoptionStaffPermissionInd){%> Change to Has the IEEE-SA staff obtained the necessary permissions for the adoption of this document?

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE", rootPar.adoptionStaffPermissionInd), commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE", adoptionStaffPermissionInd)) %>

<%}%> <% if(typeof adoptionStaffPermissionInd != "undefined" && adoptionStaffPermissionInd == commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCodeObject("SELECT_VALUE","NO").refCode){%>

Explanation: <%= typeof adoptionStaffPermission != 'undefined' ? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(adoptionStaffPermission) : ""%>

<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != 'undefined' && typeof rootPar.adoptionStaffPermission != 'undefined' && typeof adoptionStaffPermission != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.adoptionStaffPermission, adoptionStaffPermission)){%> Change to Explanation:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.adoptionStaffPermission, adoptionStaffPermission) %>

<%}%> <%}%>
<%} else {%>

Is the Standards Committee aware of any copyright permissions needed for this project? <%= typeof copyrightPermissionsInd != "undefined" ? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",copyrightPermissionsInd): ""%>

<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != 'undefined' && rootPar.copyrightPermissionsInd !== copyrightPermissionsInd){%> Change to Is the Standards Committee aware of any copyright permissions needed for this project?

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE", rootPar.copyrightPermissionsInd), commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE", copyrightPermissionsInd)) %>

<%}%> <% if( typeof copyrightPermissionsInd != "undefined" && copyrightPermissionsInd == commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCodeObject("SELECT_VALUE","YES").refCode){%>


<%= typeof copyrightPermissions !== "undefined" ? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(copyrightPermissions): ""%>

<% } %> <% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != 'undefined' && typeof rootPar.copyrightPermissions != 'undefined' && typeof copyrightPermissions != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.copyrightPermissions, copyrightPermissions)){%> Change to Explanation:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.copyrightPermissions, copyrightPermissions) %>


Is the Standards Committee aware of possible registration activity related to this project? <%= typeof registrationActivityInd != "undefined" ? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",registrationActivityInd): ""%>
<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != 'undefined' && typeof registrationActivityInd != "undefined" && rootPar.registrationActivityInd !== registrationActivityInd){%> Change to Is the Standards Committee aware of possible registration activity related to this project?

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE", rootPar.registrationActivityInd), commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE", registrationActivityInd)) %>


<% if( typeof registrationActivityInd != "undefined" && registrationActivityInd == commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCodeObject("SELECT_VALUE","YES").refCode){%>


<%= typeof registrationActivity !== "undefined" ? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(registrationActivity): ""%>

<% } %> <% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != 'undefined' && typeof rootPar.registrationActivity != 'undefined' && typeof registrationActivity != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.registrationActivity, registrationActivity)){%> Change to Explanation:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.registrationActivity, registrationActivity) %>

7.1 Are there other standards or projects with a similar scope? <%= typeof similarScopeProjectsInd != "undefined" ? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",similarScopeProjectsInd): ""%>
<% if(parType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision") || requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.similarScopeProjectsInd != "undefined" && typeof similarScopeProjectsInd != "undefined" && rootPar.similarScopeProjectsInd != similarScopeProjectsInd) { %> Change to Are there other standards or projects with a similar scope?

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",rootPar.similarScopeProjectsInd), commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",similarScopeProjectsInd)) %>

<% }} %>
<%if(typeof similarScopeProjectsInd != "undefined" && similarScopeProjectsInd == commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCodeObject("SELECT_VALUE","YES").refCode){%>

<%= typeof similarScopeProjectsTx != "undefined" ? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(similarScopeProjectsTx): ""%>

<% if(parType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision") || requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.similarScopeProjectsTx != "undefined" && typeof similarScopeProjectsTx != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.similarScopeProjectsTx, similarScopeProjectsTx)) { %> Change to Explanation:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.similarScopeProjectsTx, similarScopeProjectsTx) %>

<% }} %>
<%if(typeof similarScopeProjects != "undefined"){ let showChangesInSimilarScopeProjects = false; let oldSimilarScopeProjects = []; let newSimilarScopeProjects = similarScopeProjects; if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")){ let result = appUtil.showChangesInSimilarScopeProjects(similarScopeProjects, rootPar.similarScopeProjects); showChangesInSimilarScopeProjects = result.isEqual; oldSimilarScopeProjects = result.old; newSimilarScopeProjects = result.new; } %> <% var i=1; _.each(newSimilarScopeProjects, function(project, index){ %>
7.1.<%= i%>

Standards Committee Organization: <%= typeof project.organizationName != "undefined"? project.organizationName:"" %>

<% if ( showChangesInSimilarScopeProjects && appUtil.changeIdentified(oldSimilarScopeProjects[index].organizationName, project.organizationName) ) { %> Change to Standards Committee Organization: <%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(oldSimilarScopeProjects[index].organizationName, project.organizationName) %> <% } %>

Project/Standard Number: <%= typeof project.projectStandardNumber != "undefined"? project.projectStandardNumber:"" %>

<% if ( showChangesInSimilarScopeProjects && appUtil.changeIdentified(oldSimilarScopeProjects[index].projectStandardNumber, project.projectStandardNumber) ) { %> Change to Project/Standard Number: <%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(oldSimilarScopeProjects[index].projectStandardNumber, project.projectStandardNumber) %> <% } %>

Project/Standard Date: <%= typeof project.projectStandardDate != "undefined"? appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(project.projectStandardDate):"" %>

<% if ( showChangesInSimilarScopeProjects && appUtil.changeIdentified(oldSimilarScopeProjects[index].projectStandardDate, project.projectStandardDate) ) { %> Change to Project/Standard Date: <%= appUtil.compareParagraphs( ( ( oldSimilarScopeProjects[index].projectStandardDate ? oldSimilarScopeProjects[index].projectStandardDate : '' ) == '') ? ('') : (appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(oldSimilarScopeProjects[index].projectStandardDate)) , ( (project.projectStandardDate ? project.projectStandardDate : '') == '') ? ('') : (appUtil.convertSystemDateToString(project.projectStandardDate))) %> <% } %>

Project/Standard Title: <%= typeof project.projectStandardTitle != "undefined"? project.projectStandardTitle:"" %>

<% if ( showChangesInSimilarScopeProjects && appUtil.changeIdentified(oldSimilarScopeProjects[index].projectStandardTitle, project.projectStandardTitle) ) { %> Change to Project/Standard Title: <%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(oldSimilarScopeProjects[index].projectStandardTitle, project.projectStandardTitle) %> <% } %>
<% i++; });%> <%}%>
<% if(adoptionPar != 'undefined' && adoptionPar){%>

7.2 Testing Methodologies


Does the Standards Committee foresee a longer term need for testing and/or certification services to assure conformity to the standard?: <%= typeof longerTermtestingInd != "undefined" ? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",longerTermtestingInd): ""%>


Additionally, is it anticipated that testing methodologies will be specified on the standard to assure consistency in evaluating conformance to the criteria specified in the standard? : <%= typeof testingMethodologiesSpecsInd != "undefined" ? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",testingMethodologiesSpecsInd): ""%>

<% } else {%>
7.2 Is it the intent to develop this document jointly with another organization? <%= typeof jointDevelopmentInd != "undefined" ? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",jointDevelopmentInd): ""%>
<% if(parType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.par.type.revision") || requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")) { if(typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.jointDevelopmentInd != "undefined" && typeof jointDevelopmentInd != "undefined" && rootPar.jointDevelopmentInd != jointDevelopmentInd) { %> Change to Is it the intent to develop this document jointly with another organization?

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",rootPar.jointDevelopmentInd), commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",jointDevelopmentInd)) %>

<% }} %>
<%if(typeof jointDevelopmentProjects != "undefined"){ let showChangesInJointDevelopmentProjects = false; let oldJointDevelopmentProjects = []; let newJointDevelopmentProjects = jointDevelopmentProjects; if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify")){ let result = appUtil.showChangesInJointDevelopmentProjects(jointDevelopmentProjects, rootPar.jointDevelopmentProjects); showChangesInJointDevelopmentProjects = result.isEqual; oldJointDevelopmentProjects = result.old; newJointDevelopmentProjects = result.new; } %> <% var i=1; _.each(newJointDevelopmentProjects, function(project, index){ %>
7.2.<%= i%>

Organization: <%= typeof project.organizationName != "undefined"? project.organizationName:"" %>

<% if ( showChangesInJointDevelopmentProjects && appUtil.changeIdentified(oldJointDevelopmentProjects[index].organizationName, project.organizationName) ) { %> Change to Organization: <%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(oldJointDevelopmentProjects[index].organizationName, project.organizationName) %> <% } %>

Technical Committee Name: <%= typeof project.technicalCommitteName != "undefined"? project.technicalCommitteName:"" %>

<% if ( showChangesInJointDevelopmentProjects && appUtil.changeIdentified(oldJointDevelopmentProjects[index].technicalCommitteName, project.technicalCommitteName) ) { %> Change to Technical Committee Name: <%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(oldJointDevelopmentProjects[index].technicalCommitteName, project.technicalCommitteName) %> <% } %>

Technical Committee Number: <%= typeof project.technicalCommitteNumber != "undefined"? project.technicalCommitteNumber:"" %>

<% if ( showChangesInJointDevelopmentProjects && appUtil.changeIdentified(oldJointDevelopmentProjects[index].technicalCommitteNumber, project.technicalCommitteNumber) ) { %> Change to Technical Committee Number: <%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(oldJointDevelopmentProjects[index].technicalCommitteNumber, project.technicalCommitteNumber) %> <% } %>
<% i++;});%> <%}%>
<% } %> <% if( (typeof sponsorChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" && commonApp.user != 'undefined' && commonApp.user != null && sponsorChairInfo.groupUser.internalId == commonApp.user.get("internalId") ||(typeof groupInfo!="undefined" && commonApp.user != 'undefined' && commonApp.user != null && commonApp.user.hasPermission(groupInfo[0].internalId,'PAR.SPONSOR.APPROVE')) ) && (requestStatus == $.i18n.prop('myproject.par.status.submitted') || (typeof parReqSubmitterData != "undefined" && parReqSubmitterData.requestStatus == $.i18n.prop('myproject.par.status.submitted'))) && (typeof reqSponsorApprovalStatus == 'undefined' || reqSponsorApprovalStatus == null || reqSponsorApprovalStatus == $.i18n.prop('myproject.status.rejected')) && ( (typeof projectNumber != "undefined") && (projectNumber != "Unassigned") ) ){%>
7.5 Does your Standards Committee require the completed standard to be submitted to the AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) for approval consideration as an American National Standard? <%= typeof ansiApprovalInd != "undefined" ? commonApp.lookup.getByCategoryCode("SELECT_VALUE",ansiApprovalInd): ""%>
<% } %>
8.1 Additional Explanatory Notes:

<%= typeof additionalNotes != "undefined"? appUtil.preserveLineBreaks(additionalNotes): "" %>

<% if(requestType === $.i18n.prop("myproject.request.type.modify") && typeof rootPar != "undefined" && rootPar != null && typeof rootPar.additionalNotes != "undefined" && typeof additionalNotes != "undefined" && appUtil.changeIdentified(rootPar.additionalNotes, additionalNotes)) { %> Change to Additional Explanatory Notes:

<%= appUtil.compareParagraphs(rootPar.additionalNotes, additionalNotes) %>

<% } %>
Activity Log
<% if((typeof sponsorChairInfo != "undefined" && typeof sponsorChairInfo.groupUser != "undefined" && commonApp.user != 'undefined' && commonApp.user != null && sponsorChairInfo.groupUser.internalId == commonApp.user.get("internalId") ||(typeof groupInfo!="undefined" && commonApp.user != 'undefined' && commonApp.user != null && commonApp.user.hasPermission(groupInfo[0].internalId,'PAR.SPONSOR.APPROVE')) ) &&(requestStatus == $.i18n.prop('myproject.par.status.submitted') || (typeof parReqSubmitterData != "undefined" && parReqSubmitterData.requestStatus == $.i18n.prop('myproject.par.status.submitted'))) &&(typeof reqSponsorApprovalStatus == 'undefined' || reqSponsorApprovalStatus == null || reqSponsorApprovalStatus == $.i18n.prop('myproject.status.rejected')) ){%>
<% if ( (typeof projectNumber != "undefined") && (projectNumber != "Unassigned") ) { %>
Reject <% if(typeof parWorkingGroup != "undefined" && typeof parWorkingGroup.groupStatusTx != "undefined" && parWorkingGroup.groupStatusTx !="PENDING"){ %> Accept <% } %>
<% } %> <%}%>