Number of Years that the Extension is being requested: Number of years is required.

Why an Extension is required (include actions to complete): Reason for requesting an extension is required.

What date did/will you begin writing the first draft: What date did you begin writing the first draft is required.

How many people are actively working on the Project: Active team count, numbers only field is required.

How many times a year does the Working Group meet:

In Person: In Person numbers only field is required.

Via Teleconference: Via Teleconference, numbers only field is required.

How many times a year is a Draft circulated to the Working Group: Draft shared electronic frequency, numbers only field is required.

What percentage of the Draft is stable: % Draft stable percentage, numbers only field is required. Maximum value allowed is 100.

How many significant work revisions has the Draft been through: Work revision count, numbers only field is required.

When will/did initial Standards Association Ballot begin: Standards Association Ballot initiated date is required.

When do you expect to submit the proposed Standard to RevCom: "WHEN DO YOU EXPECT TO SUBMIT THE PROPOSED STANDARD TO RevCom" must be equal to or later than "WHEN WILL/DID STANDARDS ASSOCIATION BALLOTING BEGIN".

Has this document already been adopted by another source? (if so, please identify): <%= docAlreadyAdoptedInd == 'YES' ? 'checked': '' %><%}%>> <%= docAlreadyAdoptedInd == 'NO' ? 'checked': '' %><%}%>> Has this document already been adopted by another source is required

<%if (typeof docAlreadyAdoptedInd != 'undefined' && docAlreadyAdoptedInd == 'YES'){%>

Explanation: Reason for requesting an extension is required.
