Group Name:
Group Short Name:
<% if(typeof groupVO.projectGroupParId != 'undefined' && groupVO.projectGroupParId != 0){ %> <% } else{ %> <%}%>
Group Description:
<% if (groupVO.groupStatusTx == 'ACTIVE') { %>
Register Interest URL:
<%= window.location.origin + "/myproject-web/public/view.html#/interest/" + groupVO.internalId %>
<% } %>

Participation Level Options

Check all participation level options applicable to this group.

You must select at least one involvement level <% var i=0; _.each(commonApp.lookup.get('GRP_INVOLVEMENT_LEVEL_TYPE'), function(involvementType){ %> <%if(involvementType.refCode == $.i18n.prop('') || involvementType.refCode == $.i18n.prop('')){%> <% if((i % 2) == 0) { %>
<% } %>
<%= ($.inArray(involvementType.refCode,groupVO.groupMetaData.GRP_INVOLVEMENT_LEVEL_TYPE)!= -1 || involvementType.otherAttribute.indexOf(grpType) != -1) ? 'checked' : '' %> class="<%= myClass %>" <%} else if(involvementType.otherAttribute.indexOf(groupVO.groupType) != -1){ %> checked class="<%= myClass %>"<% } %> <%=myClass%>/>
<% if((i % 2) == 1){ %>
<% } i++;%> <% } %> <% }); %>


Check all features that should be made available to members of this group.

<%_.each(commonApp.lookup.get('GRP_FEATURE'), function(groupFeature){ %>
<%if(groupFeature.refCode == $.i18n.prop('')){%> <% if(groupVO.groupMetaData != null && typeof groupVO.groupMetaData.GRP_FEATURE != 'undefined') { var myClass= groupFeature.otherAttribute.indexOf(groupVO.groupType) != -1 ? 'disabled' : '' ;%> <%= ($.inArray(groupFeature.refCode,groupVO.groupMetaData.GRP_FEATURE)!= -1 || groupFeature.otherAttribute.indexOf(groupVO.groupType) != -1) ? 'checked' : '' %> class="<%= myClass %>" <%}%> >
<%= groupVO.reviseDocumentPermissionInd == 'YES' ? 'checked': '' %><%}%> >
<%}else{%> <% if(groupVO.groupMetaData != null && typeof groupVO.groupMetaData.GRP_FEATURE != 'undefined') { var myClass= groupFeature.otherAttribute.indexOf(groupVO.groupType) != -1 ? 'disabled' : '' ;%> <%= ($.inArray(groupFeature.refCode,groupVO.groupMetaData.GRP_FEATURE)!= -1 || groupFeature.otherAttribute.indexOf(groupVO.groupType) != -1) ? 'checked' : '' %> class="<%= myClass %>" <%}%> > <%}%>
<% }); %>